Saturday, November 21, 2009

Healthy Fast Food Part One

In reality, fast food is probably the most healthy kind since when we cook quickly, we tend not to overcook and destroy nutrients.

The fast food found at your local burger joint has nothing to do with the kind of fast food I'm describing.

Tonight, I found myself alone with a small head of bok choy, an onion, and a few broccoli heads. A scavenging trip to the freezer revealed a tiny bag of lean steak that we had cut up and frozen "for stirfry".


I browned the meat first in sesame oil with a chopped garlic clove and the onion. This was set aside for a few minutes.

I whacked up the veggies. Since it was dinner for one ... me, I left the pieces nice and big ... none of this dainty bite size nonsense for FC.

Once the veggies had been around the wok a few times, I added the meat back in. This was all tossed around together and then a half cup of sauce that consisted of Teriyaki sauce, tabasco, vinegar,wine, and a little cornstarch went in.

At that point, the heat is turned off and everything gets folded and flipflopped until it's all coated with the thickened sauce glaze.

Then you eat it.

Prep time under 30 minutes.


Dani said...

Yummy! Would it work well with chicken?

Florida Beach Basics said...

Happy to see Pure Florida Food pop up in my google reader - these are always a treat. marge

R.Powers said...

Chicken, pork, the neighbor's cat ...heehee.

Thanks, I really meant to be over here more, just soooo busy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing information

The awareness of the fast food these days is increasing at an alarming rate due to
its availability always and the taste. Therefore, you do not need to eat fast food
for eating sake but you have to eat a healthy fast food

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing information

The awareness of the fast food these days is increasing at an alarming rate due to
its availability always and the taste. Therefore, you do not need to eat fast food
for eating sake but you have to eat a healthy fast food