Friday, July 13, 2007

Microwave Corn On The Cob

So, I'm sure I'm the last one on the planet to realize this, but you can microwave corn on the cob in the husk and it's very good.

I had a hamburger ready to eat ( mustard, pickle, and onion) when I remembered the ears of corn in the fridge. No time to boil water, so I turned to the microwave oven.

I snapped off the long stalk end, snipped off the silk and scraggily leaves and tossed an ear in for an experimental 3 minutes and it came out amazing.

Of course that may be because it was Pure Florida corn from Zellwood.


SteamyKitchen said...

I microwave corn much easier than boiling a big vat of water!

Anonymous said...

You cooked it a minute too long!

R.Powers said...

Hey thanks for commenting. Definitely easier with no cleanup!
I like that.

Oleno Girl,
I secretly thought so, but I didn't do any shorter time experiments.
Thank you for the tip and the comment!

Ella said...

Is Salt Water Cowboy on this site? I'm a ""Floridacracker"" too. Ever heard of Chipley? How about Chet's Seafood in Pensacola?

I went to graduated from U.N.F. and lived in Jax. Have family there and all over FL.

Also, went to Cross Creek had to see why a Washingtonian born and breed woman of affluence would go there. Such a beautiful area. After I saw it I knew why. But like Steinbeck she ended up being disliked because of her book, "The Yearling." She left the area and you know where she settled. Spent many days in St. Augustine.

Such an original site! Love it. Now if you could send me a good fried mullet recipe and one from Salt Water Cowboy I'd be impressed beyond belief. People in Virginia pretend to know how to cook seafood. I laugh at times.

Merry Christmas. I have a site too, but not like this.

Love this site.
